English page

About Christian Sejr (b. 1962)     

Kiromantic Reader with background in psychology.

Through more than 40 years, Christian Sejr had read thousands of hands

and can tell about past, present and future, by looking at the lines in the hand.

As early as 16-year-old, he received training in kiromantic skills by his uncle,

Karsten Sejr Jensen - recognized Kiromantic and Jungian psychoanalyst.

At that time he had his first clients, who often were significantly older than himself.

With this background, and a therapeutic education, it is the lines in the hand he read like a map, when you want to get around in the world,

and his deep knowledge of psychology gives the Kiromantic skills and

understanding an extra dimension.

Christian offers private consultations and presentations on Kiromantic skills.


Christian Sejr`s approach to the spiritual world is inborn.

As little he amused himself by playing at a haunted staircase

because he found it funny that many "people" went through him

instead of outside. Nor does this come from strangers, his mother is medium

with skills specialized in auto writing. So he was allowed to be "different".

His sight and medium abilities, has since developed and refined

through the work with Kiromantic studies, courses at Arthur Findlay College

(Stansted Hall) in England and circle work.

He uses among his skills the ability to remove unwanted energies

from people's homes, in addition to Kiromantic doings, by demonstrations

of the medium skills, as teacher in circles, and to find missing persons and property.

Trance Medium

Christian Sejr also has the ability to slip into deep trance,

where for example deceased are allowed to use the physical body

and voice function of conveying important messages to the audience.

Subsequently he can only remember fractions of what happened,

and mostly nothing at all.

He demonstrates the trance for up to several hundred people at a time

in the spirits Associations and small private events.

Christian offer free assistance with the use of his special abilities.

This is typical case of serious incidents as deadly disease

or help to find missing persons.

This is also free to question him in the Letterbox on this website.

Kiromantic Reading

The Kiromantic reading allow Christian Sejr to review your personality

and your life broadly.

Then focus on those areas of your life that requires more attention.

Relationships, family relationships, personal development or work.

You'll get practical advice on possible ways to handle your particular situation.

Usually Christian use his psychic abilities in addition to the Kiromantic doing.

Questions can be answered about past, present and future, a few years ahead.

Duration: approx.  2 ½ hours.

Price: DKK 2.000 - VAT included

You will subsequently receive prints, photos and audio file by email

(gift cards are issued)


The healing ability uses Christian Sejr to restore balance in the mental

and/or physical body.

Often With astonishing results.

The hands will be placed at various places on, or above the body, with respect for individual integrity.

(The client has his clothes on at all times)

Each healing begins with an interview and Christian uses his psychic abilities

to locate the cause of the problem.

After healing, you get to know what he has "seen" and labeled.

Duration: 1 hour

Price: 800 DKK - VAT included

(gift cards are issued)